Monday, February 19, 2007


Arrogance? Schmarrogance!

Letter to the Editor
Santa Fe New Mexican
February 19, 2007

We're best, right?

Far too many things are classified in the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Father of the hydrogen bomb Edward Teller argued that after six months there are no longer any secrets. Automatic declassification after six months would alleviate the problem. Declassify almost everything. This is “forward thinking.”

As for arrogance, it is unfair to single out lab personnel as being arrogant. Isn't our country the best the world has ever known? Doesn’t everyone want to come here? Don’t we have a country wonderfully run by corporations? Isn't our political system which lets everyone vote, with the masses bought by enormous advertising budgets, the very best? Aren't our politicians, bought by lobbyists, the very best money can buy? Isn’t “W” doing his very best to transplant our political system into Iraq? Nothing can be conceived as better than our country as it is. It is the end of history. Our country is arrogant.

Arrogance? Schmarrogance!

Edward B. Grothus
Los Alamos

As usual, Ed hit the nail right on the head. I especially like, "Isn't our political system which lets everyone vote, with the masses bought by enormous advertising budgets, the very best?" Sort of sounds like Ed's not too keen on the political action committee Vote Yes on 529 which bought the election on ordiance 529 for Boyer.
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